Through Cognitive Health Tests and Neurofeedback (Biofeedback) Training we help people adapt to stress and anxiety by strengthening the brain-body connection.
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback) is direct training of brain function, by which the brain learns to function more efficiently and operate at its full capacity and potential.
Neurofeedback addresses problems in which the brain has a poor ability to manage responses to stimuli. The brain is observed using a non-invasive technology that uses live EEG to read the brain’s electrical activity. Through a feedback loop, the brain is trained to self-regulate (the ability to manage emotions and behaviour in accordance with the demands of the situation).
The goal of neurofeedback is to train the brain to function more efficiently, become more resilient, adapt to stress better improve cognitive function and anxiety.
NeurOptimal® is an advanced neurotechnology that trains the brain to function at peak performance levels. This innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment but rather a training for the brain.
As a Health-Canada-approved cognitive assessment tool, NeuroCatch® provides an objective and accurate measure of brain activity, augmenting and simplifying lengthy and subjective testing for brain health.
NeuroCatch® uses three very light sensors held in place on your head by a thin mesh cap. The sensors are located at the front, middle and back of your head. With a few drops of gel between the sensors and your skin, it is possible to measure your brainwaves.
NeuroCatch® conducts a rapid 6-minute scan to measure and report on brain function at the point of care. It produces a report immediately after the scan to display information on three different brain responses, also known as event-related potentials (ERPs)
The scan results provide healthcare practitioners with objective measurements of specific brain functions: Auditory sensation; Basic attention; and Cognitive processing.
Neurofeedback Practitioners at The Healing Centre

Carly Reinkeluers

Carmen Di Totto

Rebecca Barras
Session Pricing | Sessions offered at The Healing Centre Cobourg
Neurofeedback Initial Intake Session $175
Neurofeedback Training Session $125
NeuroCatch Cognitive Assessment $175
Talk Therapy | Psychotherapy $160/hour